Dagvård Responsivt WordPress-tema

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Created: 6 aug. 2014

Updated: 6 aug. 2014

ID: 50878

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4 Reviews for this product

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non si riesce ad installare ed il form per contattare l'autore non funziona. Questo template e' inutilizzabile
I installed it myself , it's a good theme for my mnaager, thank you for your help templatemonster
Отличный шаблон приобрел очередной раз, совсем не жалею о потраченных деньгах, так как он стоит этого, это мобильный шаблон, который адаптируется под любой мобильный гаджет, будь то планшет или Афон, андройд и т.д. везде шаблон отлично себя показывает, что очень удорбнео моим пользоватенлям которые приходят за информацией а получают полноценную услугу. Буду еще покупать шаблоны для своих новых проектов!
nice template, simple, only you need to fix the menu item configuration because you cant add more than 4 words. and the installation have a few error with cherry framekwork but nothing serious.
Thank you for your feedback! If you’d like to add more menu items and get them all shown per 1 single line, please perform the following update. Open WP admin panel and navigate to Appearance- Editor-wrapper-header.php file. Locate following lines: http://prntscr.com/b6868r Update values for each ‘span’ to be, f.e. span2 and span10: You should assign more space for the menu row, the change described above allows that. If you need the further assistance, please visit our live chat - http://chat.template-help.com/ . Our specialists will be glad to help you!

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2,9 /5
Support rating (53 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 25
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


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