Ufolio – Mehrzweck- und Portfolio-Vorlage für Joomla 4 und 5
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Ufolio Joomla 4 & 5-Vorlage mit klarem Design für Mehrzweck-, Portfolio- und Blogging-Websites. Seiten wie „Homes“, „Über uns“, „Services“ und „Kontakte“ werden mit SP Page Builder , mit KI und mehr als 68 Add-ons wie Schiebereglern, Funktionen, Erfahrungsberichten, Zeitleisten, Teams, Schaltflächen, Symbolen, Bildern, animierten Zahlen, Karussells, Überschriften usw. erstellt. Countdown, Artikel, Popup, Karten, Tabs, Akkordeons, Kunden, Video, Twitter, Instagram, Formulare, Tabellen, Galerie und vieles mehr. Sie können Websites aller Größen und Anforderungen erstellen. Diese Vorlage wurde mit Helix Ultimate 2 und Bootstrap 5 erstellt, sodass sie an jeden Bildschirm anpassbar und hochgradig konfigurierbar ist.
Schauen Sie sich unsere LIVE-DEMO an, um alle Funktionen zu sehen.
- Added Featured badge to featured articles in blog and article detail
- Added max width option to container
- Added Blog read time functionality
- Included a new blog list style option: Masonry for Default blog
- Enabled dynamic position input for disabling module positions in the Blog list and detail pages.
- Passkey (Passwordless) Login style improved
- Added time display on the "Coming soon" pages date field.
- Removed ariahidden=“true” attribute from headers/style1/header.php for improved accessibility.
- Updated UT Addons and Improved security (removed Polyfill)
- Other improvements
- Joomla 5 compatibility (Native or Backward plugin)
- PHP 8.2 compatibility
- Added Logo in Offcanvas (show/Hide)
- Fixed Language J4.4.1+ and J5.0.1+ issue
- Updated Fontawesome to 6.4.2 (Joomla 5)
- Updated Twitter X logo on Social icons
- Updated UT Addons (now is Native of SPPB 5.x)
- Updated to Helix Ultimate 2.0.18
- Uodated JS Libraries (swiper, Isotope)
- Improved Title styles for SPPB5 (available *-left and *-right)
- Improved Bootstrap Icons, now is installable in SPPB
- Other Fixes and Improvements
- Added link option to logo
- Added Adjustments for coming soon page
- Added 404 module position in error page
- Added custom color for offcanvas
- Added column options for xx-l in layout
- Improved Google fonts in error pages
- Updated to Helix Ultimate 2.0.13
- Updated to Bootstrap 5.2.3
- Fixed countdown broken when language is not english
- Fixed Issues with PHP 8.1
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- Added Option to edit preset colors
- Added Columns option to related articles
- Improved image lazy load and attributes
- Updated to Helix Ultimate 2.0.11
- Updated Extensions
- Updated Joomla
- Improved Documetation
- Other minor fixes
- Removed old search component in demo
- DOM added missing spaces between attributes
- Added height to overlap logos
- Added latest Helix Ultimate improvements
- Added offcanvas-moduls position to show modules in offcanvas menu
- Improved responsive and --header_height var for mobile
- Improved article image url for open graph
- Imporved Onepage navigation on resize window
- Fixed crazy & blink header if have different heights in mobiles
- Fixed double close tag in article pagination
- Removed unnecessary jQuery scripts
- Other minor improvements
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